The gut-brain connection is not a new concept

Healthy Gut-Brain Diet Mental stress can wreak havoc on your GI Tract. But the gut-brain connection runs the other way also. If your gut bacteria are out of balance it can quite literally stress you out causing anxiety, depression, even obsessive-compulsive behavior, not to mention brain-fog. The correct balance of good verses bad bacteria is critical to a healthy brain and GI tract, and is now coined psychobiotics. But diet plays an even more important role in promoting a healthy gut-brain connection.
“ The most important thing you can do to improve gut-brain communication is to eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, protein, healthy fat and fermented foods.”
Avoid sugar, white flour, and gluten and grains because they all cause inflammation and autoimmune disease. Avoid dairy if lactose intolerant.
Feed on Fermented Foods
· Kimchi · Miso · sauerkraut (organic) · Yogurt · Tempeh Get a Shot of Inulin Inulin is a soluble fiber that’s a superfood for healthy bacteria. Note: some of these contain gas and bloat causing proteins; so increase your intake of them slowly if they cause digestive discomfort. · Asparagus · Bananas · Broccoli · Garlic · Jerusalem articholes · Leeks · Onions
Add Antioxidants Foods rich in polyphenols can nourish friendly gut bacteria, tamp down inflammation (which causes depression). · Apples · Berries · Cacao (dark 70% concentration) · Citrus · Flaxseed · Green Tea · Herbs · Red Wine · Spices (Ginger, rosemary, turmeric)
Pile On Protein Healthy sources provide amino acids that the body uses, in conjunction with good bacteria, to make neruotransmitters like GABA, dopamine, and serotonin. Experts recommend choosing organic, grain fed free range meat to limit exposure to growth hormones and antibiotics. · Beans · Nuts and seeds · Organic poultry · Wild caught Eat Healthy Fats Considering the brain is 60% fat, dietary fat should be considered brain food, especially the following: · Avocados · Coconut oil · Fish (salmon, sea bas) · Ghee (clarified butter) · Olive oil (extra Virgin) · Seeds and Nuts
If you are experiencing gut issues like gas, bloating, indigestion along with pain and inflammation, brain fog, anxiety or depression your diet needs a serious overhaul and you need digestive enzymes and probiotics to help balance your microbiome. To learn more on the subject of Mastering Gut & Brain Health Read More...